Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

  • News
  • Social Media / LISTSERV®s


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Join STP's LISTSERV®s, DIV2PSYCHTEACHER and DIV2NEWS (Newsletter notifications)

(Please note:  Some email service providers may block messages from Listservs, including STP's lists. If you join one of STP's LISTSERV®s but do not receive messages, please subscribe using a different email service provider, or you may read the archives of posts online by clicking the links for each list.)

DIV2PSYCHTEACHER:  Click here to join or change subscription options.  Click here to read archives (requires login).

DIV2PSYCHTEACHER is a moderated discussion list for teachers of psychology at all levels of education that is owned and operated by the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2). All messages posted to the list are reviewed and approved by a moderator prior to being distributed to subscribers. Moderators may reject submissions as being outside the scope of the list or ask posters to edit a message to fit the list's stated guidelines and rules (see below).

The STP Executive Director will also post announcements relevant to STP’s mission, such as calls for applications for leadership positions in STP and affiliated organizations (e.g., APA); announcements of teaching conferences, resources, grants, and awards sponsored by STP or affiliated organizations; and general announcements relevant to STP’s service as APA Division 2.


APA hosts DIV2PSYCHTEACHER, moderators will review submissions for compliance with APA’s Listserv Usage Rules ( and with the following rules specific to DIV2PSYCHTEACHER:

  • All messages must be signed with your name. The moderators encourage you to include your email address in your signature line to allow fellow list members to contact you privately.

  • Submissions must be relevant to the teaching of psychology, for example: (a) requests for or suggested ideas for teaching specific course or content material (e.g., demos that work, resource material, answers to student questions, lecture ideas or resources); (b) discussion of general instructional issues that cross over different courses (e.g., handling academic dishonesty, make-up exams, using technology to teach, research conducted online); (c) discussion of issues not directly related to classroom instruction but closely tied to teaching in general (e.g., advising students on career options); (d) announcements of interest to the group and directly related to teaching (e.g., TV programs, teaching conferences or workshops); (e) specific requests for help or information to assist in teaching a course or topic (e.g., references on a topic, where you can find a video or equipment).

  • Requests for research participants will be accepted only if the research addresses issues relevant to the teaching of psychology. Researchers are advised to read APA’s disclaimer regarding limits of this list as a research sample; this disclaimer appears near the end of this website:

  • List members may include relevant attachments if those attachments do not violate applicable copyright laws and are no larger than 2MB. Please consider that many subscribers read DIV2PSYCHTEACHER in Digest form, which does not handle attachments. We recommend that you provide relevant contents or a link within your message rather than as an attachment.

  • If you wish to reply to a message that has been posted to the list, please check the To: line of your reply before sending it. The default "reply to" option is for messages to go both to the individual who posted the message and to the entire list.  If you wish to make a personal or private reply to a message, please delete the DIV2PSYCHTEACHER address in the To: line before sending it.

  • Before submitting a reply to a post, please delete the bottom DIV2PSYCHTEACHER banner, which will otherwise be repeated when your message is posted.  Moderators may ask list members to remove previous post(s) from a reply to avoid lengthy message threads which make it difficult for digest subscribers to locate relevant content.
The PsychTeacher™ List Operator is STP Executive Director Tom Pusateri. The moderators of the list include Rick Froman, Alicia Briganti, Stacy Bjorkman, Stephanie Robinson, Chris M. Hakala, and Tom Pusateri.

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DIV2NEWS:  Click here to join or change subscription options. 

STP News (formerly ToPNEWS-Online), is STP's monthly electronic newsletter, which is usually published on the 10th of each month. To receive email notifications of upcoming issues, visit the DIV2NEWS Listserv at APA's Listserv and follow the instructions.  You do not have to be an STP member to receive these notifications.

PLEASE NOTE:  Yahoo, AOL and Verizon may block messages from Listservs or treat them as Spam.  If you would like to receive notifications of upcoming issues of STP News, please subscribe using a different email service provider or set your email to allow messages from

The DIV2NEWS LISTSERV® is not a discussion list. Only the newsletter editor can send messages to subscribers.  The frequency of messages is once or twice a month.  Those who wish to be removed from the list may do so using the standard signoff procedure that will be outlined in each announcement.  The list of email addresses of subscribers has been restricted to the listowners and will not be accessible by others. 

If you have questions, please email

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